In rising to meet the escalating threat to the insidious invasion of privacy, crime and like serious threats, and in recognition for the need to develop peace-of-mind in those executives who are considered most at risk, and whose greatest vulnerability may rest with their family members who do not essentially enjoy the same level of security protection, David extends his Family Estate Security Program for consideration.
Employing the stringent disciplines of Close Personal Protection - as taught by the Military and Royalty & Diplomatic Protection Department of the Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard – enhanced by vast experience with the hands-on application of such programs for various clientele the world over, the program, although eminently flexible, includes but is not restricted to, the following essential professional doctrines:
• Initial site survey and discussions to achieve a full and thorough understanding of the client's objectives and concerns.
• Liaison with local law-enforcement authorities to develop emergency response and crisis management planning.
• Initial and ongoing Security Audits, Threat Analysis & Evaluation planning.
• Appraisal of existing security and safety equipment.
• Recruitment & ongoing training of selected security personnel to meet client's specifications and expectations, with due deference to the integration of sensitivities, sensibilities, environmental and confidentiality issues.
• Development of security personnel Standing Orders to meet both client confidence and desired security application and performance.
• Security & Safety Equipment – Property and perimeter, portable panic Alarms & CCTV Systems to client's specifications. Low-light-level Cameras & Equipment recommended for installation by client's contractors or through approved and licensed installation experts.
• Personal & Individual Security Advisory Service, inclusive of advance preparation for travel arrangements – national and international.
• Full Consultation & ongoing technical support and advisory service.
• Daily Intelligence Collation & Reporting facilities.
Protection personnel, whose abilities have been fully tried and tested in many and varied exposed civilian and military roles, can be provided for long and short term assignments throughout the world.
We are proud to confirm the provision of Team personnel is designed to integrate totally with the clients' specific needs and can be accomplished with ease.
FL Agency Licenses: A1500069